Friday, September 5, 2014


I have tried various websites to blog, and none of them have stuck.  I am hopeful that this one will, though I am not holding very high hopes that it will.  I start something, and then I let it fall through.  Maybe this time I won't.  Maybe this time I'll win.  Or something.

I suppose this post will just be an introductory post, something to let the readers know who is behind this website.  My name is Jessica, and I am 30 years old.  I live in Houston, Texas, and I am.... well, I fear that I am not that very interesting.  I enjoy reading, I enjoy watching movies and television shows.  I do occasionally enjoy going out with friends, having some time with those I hold dear.  Though most of those that I hold dear I know from online.  James, Lily, Sierra.  Among others that I hold dear that I have met through various ways online.  Chat rooms, video games, through other online friends.  Also through roleplay.  I enjoy roleplay online immensely, it gives me something to do.  It gives me an outlet, something that takes me away from the tedious doings of every day life.

I have various ideas of what to do with this blog.  I am considering writing about books I've read or movies I've seen or television shows that interest me.  I am also considering mixing in some of my personal, every day life in as well, so I can get things off my chest as I need to.

One thing of interest is that I am bipolar.  I was diagnosed as bipolar in my early twenties and I have been on and off medication ever since.  I am stable at the moment, thanks to a good mixture of medication.  I am taking Celexa and Abilify, both of which seem to help me immensely.  I take them regularly, as opposed to before.  Before I was in denial that  was actually bipolar, I didn't want the stigma that comes with mental illness.  I didn't want to take medication for something that I felt should come naturally to me.  I didn't want to take medication to be happy, I thought I should be able to be happy on my own.  But I have since learned that it doesn't work that way.  I need the medication, and I like how I feel while taking my medication better than I do without it.

Well, now that I have the introductions out of the way... I suppose I could end it here.

Or I could continue.  For a bit.  I am currently watching a movie called Lullaby that I stumbled across by chance.  It is a really good movie so far, it has a few people I recognize (Amy Adams) as well as a good amount that I do not recognize.  It's about a man whose father is going off all life support and everything within forty-eight hours.  He has been battling cancer, and he's finally done with the battle with cancer.  He is content with how his life has turned out, and he doesn't believe it could lead to anything better.  So it shows how his family grows and comes together as they come to terms with the fact that the patriarch of the family is going to die soon.

Also, I have been reading a book called The Strain.  It's the first of a trilogy and it's really good so far.  I am not even a hundred pages in, but I am enjoying it.  There's a television series based on the book as well, with the same name.  I have seen the first eight episodes of the show, and that's good as well.

That is all for now, I promise this time.